Binary distributions
Source distribution
dbi_interface ?objectName?
The dbi_odbc command creates an object that can be used to connect
to databases using ODBC. The object supports the
[dbi interface] for accessing and querying databases.
Besides the commands needed to support the dbi interface, dbi_odbc objects have some
extra low level commands:
- objectName sqlcolumns catalog schema table field
- Returns specified SQLColumns catalog data
- objectName sqlprimarykeys catalog schema table
- Returns specified SQLPrimaryKeys catalog data
- objectName sqlcolumnprivileges catalog schema table field
- Returns specified SQLColumnPrivileges catalog data
- objectName sqltableprivileges catalog schema table
- Returns specified SQLTablePrivileges catalog data
- objectName sqlforeignkeys pkcatalog pkschema pktable fkcatalog fkschema fktable
- Returns specified SQLForeignKeys catalog data
- objectName sqlspecialcolumns type catalog schema table scope nullable
- Returns specified SQLSpecialColumns catalog data
- objectName sqlstatistics catalog schema table unique quick
- Returns specified SQLStatistics catalog data
- objectName sqltables catalog schema table unique tabletype
- Returns specified SQLTables catalog data
- objectName sqlprocedures catalog schema procedure
- Returns specified SQLProcedures catalog data
- objectName sqlgetinfo infotype
- Returns information about the backend and the driver. If the infotype given is unknown,
an error message containing a list of all possible types of info is returned.
- dbi
- odbc
- interface
- database
- sql